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This gallery contains project concepts and ideas, some which have become a reality, others remain a figment of imagination.


Emma's Kitchen

A local restauranteur from Anaheim Hills decided to share her popular Mexican salsa beyond the restaurant, and was looking for a design that encapsulated the sazón and traditions of her culture.



Final Product


The final design was one inspired off of Puebla's famous Talavera, with the traditional Royal Blue and white colors, mixed with vibrant red pepper illustrations. The final product features the restauranteur's name in customized typography that would math the hand-done elements in the background, along with an illustration depicting Emma herself! 

UNO Cards
Redesigning a timeless classic, just for fun!


My version of the game utilizes the 4 seasons of the year, instead of the
traditional colors red, blue, yellow, and green colors.


Special cards depict elements from every season , with the Wild card featuring
an hourglass, as the seasons are alluding to the passage of time.


Pin Design

Bringing my favorite Disney illustrations to wearable fashion.
The original sketches were created on procreate, and then later taken to Adobe Illustrator to vectorize. The vectorization part was particularly challenging in getting the thickness of the lines enough for them to show up and make sense in the final product, which would be the borders diving each color. The complete the job, I created quick vector art that showcases the two main objects that would accompany building at the theme park's Main St. : The trash bin and the lamplight with The Mouse motif at the top.

Animation Academy Pin
Oswalds Pin
Grizzly Pin
DeStijl Mickey Pin

Artist Jerrod Maruyama created a hashtag on Instagram called  #QuickieMickey
The original artwork was created in a whim using Procreate. It's my most liked post so far, and this made me wonder how would it look as a pin. The final result is something that I look forward to bring to life one day when I sell my prints at a convention or expo!

Christmas Coffee Cups - 2022

Created illustrations using a word of the day challenge, then transformed them into patterns.
To me, each pattern was meant to represent a different café destination, hence I created type logos/treatments for each one.

Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 3

Concept 4

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